Scraper drum dryer

Scraper drum dryer

Operational Process:

  1. Material Input: Wet or slurry-like substances are introduced into the rotating drum.
  2. Scraping Mechanism: The drum’s rotation, coupled with the fixed scraper blades, continuously agitates and moves the material along the drum’s interior surface.
  3. Heat Application: External heat sources, such as hot air or steam, are directed into the drum, initiating the evaporation of moisture from the material.
  4. Moisture Removal: The scraping action, in combination with the applied heat, facilitates moisture evaporation, leaving behind dried material.

Scraper drum dryer     Scraper drum dryer     Scraper drum dryer

Scraper drum dryer Key Features:

  1. Gentle Processing: The scraping action is gentle, preventing material degradation during the drying process.
  2. Uniform Drying: Continuous movement ensures even exposure to heat and airflow, maintaining consistent moisture levels across the material.
  3. Customizable Settings: Adjustable drum speed, temperature, and blade configurations allow tailoring to specific material properties and drying needs.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Some models are engineered for optimal energy consumption while ensuring efficient drying.
  5. Versatility: Suitable for drying an array of materials, including pastes, sludges, chemicals, and food products.
  6. Continuous Operation: Enables uninterrupted drying, ensuring consistent output and productivity.


Scraper drum dryer Applications:

  • Chemical Industry: Used for drying chemicals, pigments, and dyes.
  • Food Processing: Ideal for starches, grains, and cereal slurries.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Applied in drying pharmaceutical intermediates, granules, and powders.
  • Environmental Sector: Utilized for drying sewage sludge and waste materials.



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