Garlic Peeling Production Line

Garlic Peeling Production Line can peel garlic in a very efficient way and depends on when you are peeling large quantities of garlic that will take a lot of time when done by hand. It maintains the integrity of the output in the respect that skins of the garlic cloves are peeled without being crushed. Specifically, it is cost efficient because it minimizes wastage, increases production and is equally efficient in matters concerning hygiene hence suitable in large scale garlic processing.


Garlic peeling machine introduction

Garlic Peeling Production Line can peel garlic in a very efficient way and depends on when you are peeling large quantities of garlic that will take a lot of time when done by hand. It maintains the integrity of the output in the respect that skins of the garlic cloves are peeled without being crushed. Specifically, it is cost efficient because it minimizes wastage, increases production and is equally efficient in matters concerning hygiene hence suitable in large scale garlic processing.

Garlic peeling machine principle

  1. Air Compressor: Responsible for creating an aerodynamic force on skinning the garlic without jeopardizing on the cloves through pressurised air.
  2. Centrifugal Force: The most efficient was using the rim friction force of the rotating drums to peel of the skin from the cloves of garlic.
  3. Vibration: It incorporates vibratory systems that can remove the skin from the garlic that in turns enhance the peeling process.
  4. Heating: Employment of steam in the process aids in the peeling off the skin of the garlic since the skin becomes somewhat tender.
  5. Roller System: 8- Has rollers that loosely squeezing and peeling off the skin off cloves of the garlic.
  6. Vacuum Suction: Used in vacuum technology to eliminate some loosened skins of cloves of garlic while the cloves are preserved.

Garlic peeling machine advantages

  1. High Efficiency: Massage the liberal amounts of garlic on the particular areas without any delay.
  2. Labor Savings: It takes less time as compared to the time taken hand peelers to perform the same job this is because the hand peeling process is very tiring.
  3. Minimal Damage: It is ensured that the skins of the garlic bulbs do not break.
  4. Consistent Quality: It possesses garlic cloves which blasphemed branded garlic cloves that surface peeled.
  5. Easy Operation: This is because the panel touch screen if made of quality material, easy to operate and very easy to clean.
  6. Hygienic Process: Indeed, it is very simple to sustain the high clean and food hygiene standard that is required.


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